Home Depot Background Check: How It Works (& What Not To Do)

Jayson Baxter
December 20, 2022
Outside an orange home improvement store, a man in an orange apron stands beside a woman in a blue coat holding a grey magnifying glass, examining a background check report displayed on a computer monitor alongside an applicant's portrait.

A Home Depot background check is requested to field potential employees, but figuring out how pre-employment screenings work for one of the largest home improvement chains in the nation can prove challenging because the information is spread across the web.

Luckily, anyone can see what shows up on a background check done by Home Depot by filling out the form here.

Preliminary Home Depot Background Check
Perform a background check to find out what Home Depot will see on your background check report.

And for those wondering the remaining ins-and-outs of the Home Depot screenings, we consolidated everything you need to know such as:

  • The type of background check Home Depot does
  • The exact process and steps
  • A timeframe and timeline on how long it takes
  • What shows up
  • Disqualifying offenses
  • How many years back they check
  • How to pass
  • Local and federal antidiscrimination laws

So before signing any forms or worrying about the results, be sure you exactly how it works and what not to do in order to ensure the process is as smooth as can be.

What Type of Background Check Does Home Depot Perform?

The type of background check conducted depends on the position in the conditional offer of employment.

Home Depot background checks typically include local, state and national records to look at criminal convictions and disqualifying offenses, and includes a pre-employment drug screening (particularly for positions that require use of heavy equipment such as a forklift).

Specialized positions may also include an education or licensing verification.

A screenshot showing that Home Depot is committed to remaining compliant to local and federal laws when hiring.

Background checks must be in compliance with all state and federal laws, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provides guidance on how to conduct lawful screenings.

Positions of greater responsibility include a credit history report to make sure the candidate is fiscally responsible. This includes store managers, regional managers, executives which are responsible for overall operations and profits for the company.

Overall, Home Depot will be looking at criminal convictions and employment verification for most positions.1 Due to the nature of the position, this may also include a fingerprint-based, level 2 background check.

Home Depot can request one of two different types of drug tests for candidates. The first type is a swab test which takes a saliva sample from inside the mouth. The second is a urine test. Each test is designed to see if the candidate has used any illegal substances in the recent past.1

Home Depot background screenings also look for employment verification and certification or licensure verification for positions that require certain certificates or qualifications. For example, a forklift operator must have a specific license in certain states to operate one as part of Home Depot employment.

A screenshot showing that potential employees must create an account to complete the employee background check process at Home Depot.

Certain positions may also require education verification as well. While some positions at Home Depot do not require a high school diploma, and the company does hire high school students that are old enough to work or have a valid work permit, some positions such as management require a minimum of high school education.

Executive level positions require post high school education and education verification is part of the screening process.2

Independent contractors that do affiliate installation work through Home Depot must also undergo a background screening to search for licensure verification and criminal history.3

Finally, Home Depot may also do a reference check in addition to the employment verification for positions that carry greater responsibility. This can include speaking with former coworkers, educators or others listed as references in a person’s resume.

Knowing what Home Depot is looking for will help a person prepare for the next step which is submitting information for the screening.

Steps to Get a Home Depot Background Check Done (Home Depot Background Check Process)

A background check with Home Depot is not conducted until a conditional offer is on the table; therefore, the application process does not include questions about criminal history.

The screenings involve level 1 background checks based on the individual’s name, requiring their consent before completion. If a person does not consent to a background screening, Home Depot will rescind the job offer.

An overview of home depot background check process or steps to complete a background check at Home Depot that includes filling out the forms, submitting the forms, being sure pop ups are allowed, finishing a questionnaire and signing and submitting the application.

Home Depot also requires employees pass a pre-employment drug screening as part of the background check process for positions that require use of heavy equipment such as forklift operators.

Some employees may not be sent for a drug screening as part of the process, but Home Depot reserves the right to conduct a drug screening.

Additionally, drug screening may occur after employment with Home Depot if the worker is injured on the job or there is credible indication of substance abuse on the job.

To complete the background check, the following steps must be completed:

Step 1: The candidate submits an online application for employment confirming they are aware a pre-employment drug screening is required in addition to a background check.4 The application requires the individual’s full name, date of birth, social security number and contact information.

The application will also inquire about previous work history and educational background. The application will not include questions about criminal history because Home Depot is a ban the box supporter.

Step 2: Home Depot will schedule an initial interview. If the interview is successful, the candidate moves to the next step in the process which includes a background screening.

Step 3: Home Depot can make a conditional offer after the initial interview or schedule a second or third interview, and will conduct a name-based background check at this phase.

The candidate must provide a full legal name, date of birth and social security number, and will be provided with an online link to the third-party provider that completes the screening.

A screenshot of the Home Depot pre-employment portal that says you have an interview, and what's next.

Home Depot can also schedule a pre-employment drug screening with a local provider, or the drug test can be held off until training and orientation are scheduled.

For a Home Depot job, a background check cannot proceed without the subject’s permission; their consent is necessary before completion.

Step 4: Once the results of the background check and drug tests are returned to Home Depot, the hiring manager will make a final decision to either schedule the new hire for training and orientation or to rescind the job offer due to the information in the background check.

If the adverse action is due to the background report, written notification will be presented to the candidate for the reason for the adverse action and how they can dispute the matter.5

Step 5: If a person feels they have been unlawfully discriminated against based on the background report, they can reach out to the state department of labor or attorney general’s office or make a formal complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

A screenshot of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission where consumers can submit complaints against potential employers and the government.

While it seems like a lot of steps, the background process does not take a great deal of time in most cases.

How Long Does Background Check for Home Depot Take? (Timeline)

The amount of time for a background check for Home Depot depends on how extensive the check is and what is being checked or verified. Below is an average timeline for completion of a screening:

  • Criminal history report-this can usually be completed within 24 hours but may take as much as a week. The length of time depends on the company completing the screening and the backlog of requests.
  • Employment verification-this can take up to 7 days to complete depending on the person’s job history and the third-party’s ability to reach former coworkers via phone or email.
  • Drug screening-drug test results are usually returned within 24-48 hours of taking the swab or urine sample.6

A screenshot showing that a background check at Home Depot can take a week to complete, but inaccurate information or too many applications can cause delays and furthermore, criminal history may impact their chances at obtaining the job.

Overall, the results of a background check for Home Depot should not take more than a week to fully complete.

What Can Delay a Home Depot Background Check?

Most background checks are completed in a week or less; however, there are several reasons a background screening can be delayed, including:

  • The information provided by the applicant is incomplete or not accurate. For example, the applicant may have a hyphenated last name, but only provided one part of the last name, or the applicant may have transposed numbers in their social security number or date of birth. Applicants can help prevent this delay by double checking information before hitting the submit button to make sure it is accurate.
  • Computerized systems by the third-party search company or the government agencies with accessible databases may be down or experiencing issues.
  • Environmental delays may be preventing former employers from being available for employment verification calls or emails.7
  • State agencies or court systems may have a backlog of requests for criminal histories due to the volume received daily.8
  • Positions with greater responsibility require a deeper dive into a person’s background which results in a longer time before the report is complete.

The amount of information required for a background check for Home Depot will determine how long the report will take to generate. When there are delays, the company will notify the applicant of the delay and an estimated timeline for completion of the screening. Home Depot may also request additional information for greater clarification of items on the report.

What Shows Up on a Background Check for Home Depot?

A Home Depot pre-employment screening is primarily looking at a person’s criminal history to see if there are any disqualifying convictions. Therefore, misdemeanor and felony convictions will appear on a background check in Home Depot. Additionally, if the position requires driving a motor vehicle or operating heavy equipment, the screening will include a driving history report.

Warrants may also appear on a background check for Home Depot since they are court documents and considered public record.

At Home Depot, it’s feasible to successfully pass a background check despite having an outstanding warrant that may appear during the screening. However, it would be best to get the matter disposed of in court prior to applying for a job at Home Depot to avoid any further complications when the warrant is executed.

When completed for a Home Depot position, background checks reveal out-of-state convictions, encompassing local, state, and national records. However, Home Depot only considers the past seven years during screenings, regardless of whether the state allows a longer lookback period.

For positions that require money management, a credit history report will also be included. Credit history is a requirement for c-suite, or executive level, screenings due to the increased responsibilities.1

Results of the pre-employment drug screening will also be part of the background check for Home Depot. Prior employment verification and verification of licensure or certifications when required will also be part of the final report.9

In a Home Depot background check, a juvenile record cannot be used against you. These records, whether they involve felony or misdemeanor convictions, are sealed and not considered part of public records.

Does Home Depot Hire People With Misdemeanors?

Home Depot is what is considered a second chance employer and does hire individuals with misdemeanor convictions. As a fair chance employer, most misdemeanor convictions are not automatic disqualifiers for a position with Home Depot.10

A screenshot showing that Home Depot will hire people with minor misdemeanors, but others such as theft and drug offenses can hurt their chances of getting the job.

When it comes to the duration a misdemeanor remains on your record and whether it appears on a Home Depot background report, misdemeanor convictions can stay indefinitely unless expunged or sealed, but Home Depot typically reviews the past seven years.

When reviewing employment verification as part of the report, being fired can appear on the report if conducted in a state that permits disclosure of termination reasons. Employment verification is part of the background check process for Home Depot.

Does Home Depot Hire People With Felony Convictions?

As with misdemeanor convictions, Home Depot does hire individuals with a felony conviction except for certain types of offenses. Home Depot is a supporter of the Ban the Box movement meaning it has removed questions about felony and misdemeanor convictions from its applications and does weigh prior charges carefully when making hiring decisions.5

A screenshot showing that the question of does home depot hire felons and the answer is yes, but it depends on the type of felony.

Regarding the duration of a felony on your record, felony convictions, similar to misdemeanors, can remain on your record indefinitely, and certain felonies may not be eligible for sealing or expungement.

If a person has a felony conviction, speaking with human resources at the beginning of the process about the circumstances may prevent the charges from being a disqualifier when making hiring decisions.

Disqualifying Offenses for Home Depot Applicants

When looking at a person’s criminal conviction history, Home Depot is looking to see if the candidate is a safety risk to customers and other employees, or if there is a risk of loss from theft.

Therefore, disqualifying offenses are typically those that can increase risk and liability. The following list are disqualifiers for working at Home Depot:

  • Sexual assaults
  • Murder
  • Drug trafficking or distribution
  • Terrorism
  • Fraud or obtaining property by false pretenses
  • Larceny, theft or embezzlement
  • Serious traffic violations (for those positions that require use of a motor vehicle)
  • Violent crimes such as armed robbery, domestic violence

Home Depot also looks at the overall criminal history of the person. For example, if a conviction for an assault was several years ago, and there are no other convictions, the person may still be hired due to the length of time that has passed with no other convictions.5

How Far Back Does a Home Depot Background Screening Go?

Home Depot uses the same seven year lookback rule in most cases imposed by the FCRA for credit history when it comes to criminal history.

The length of time searched is dependent upon the state in which the Home Depot position is located. There are currently 13 states that have a seven year look back period codified in law.

These are:

Other states have not imposed a seven year lookback period, but Home Depot has adopted seven years as its standard. In states without a limit, the decision is up to the hiring manager.

Employment and education verifications can stretch back more than seven years as well since that information is not as likely to have an adverse action as criminal and credit history.

How Do I Get My Background Check Status After Applying at Home Depot?

Once the background check is complete, Home Depot will notify the candidate to either schedule orientation and training or to rescind a job offer.

A screenshot from the Home Depot site saying that applicants who haven't heard about their background check and associated application should go to careers.homedepot.com and check the status of their job submission information.

If adverse action, such as removing a job offer, is taken the applicant is notified in writing with the name and address of the agency that performed the screening and the process to dispute any information that may be inaccurate.

The notification will also advise the applicant that the third-party search company simply provided the report and was not involved in the hiring decision process per FCRA requirements.

When Will I Know If I Passed My Background Check for Home Depot?

Notification will be made to the applicant as soon as the information is made available to the hiring manager. At that point, Home Depot will inform the applicant that the background check is complete, there were no red flags, and will schedule the person for orientation and training.

When a person is notified of adverse action taken, if they feel the report is inaccurate, they can reach out to Human Resources and try to resolve the matter.

If the report is used in a discriminatory manner to deny employment, the candidate can make a report with the department of labor in their state or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

What Company Processes Home Depot Background Checks?

Home Depot does not do background checks in-house. The company hires an undisclosed third-party provider to conduct their screenings. Home Depot contracts with a third-party provider that must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

The third party company must also follow the rules and regulations of each state where records are requested. For example, if records are requested from a state that has automatic relief for non convictions, the third-party provider must make sure no non-convictions are appearing on the Home Depot screening report.

How To Pass A Home Depot Background Check

There are steps a person can take to make sure they pass a background check in Home Depot. Home Depot is a second chance employer, being honest about a criminal record when offered a position not only helps improve chances of being considered.

It also provides the applicant an opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding the conviction.11

If the person completed any rehabilitation programs or other interventions in connection with the criminal charges, showing Home Depot they successfully finished these programs can help mitigate any potential negative impacts.

The applicant needs to make sure they are drug free to pass a background check pre-employment drug screening. Seeking professional help and support for battling substance abuse can help someone gain and maintain sobriety and secure gainful employment at Home Depot.

Provide as much information as possible when requested to make the process go smoothly. Double check your submission to make sure you haven’t made any mistakes when providing your data.

Use a free criminal background check or a third-party search agency to run a personal background check and see what appears on your record. This will help the applicant prepare for any potential negative marks on the report. A personal background report can also help a person learn if there is an outstanding warrant or other matter that needs attention.

A person can also get a free credit report from each credit reporting agency each year. Running a credit history can help those applying for positions that require a credit report prepare for what may appear.

Taking care of pending criminal matters before applying to Home Depot can help a person’s chances of employment.

Review driving records to see what shows up on it. This is especially important for positions with Home Depot that require use of a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. If a person has outstanding tickets or violations, taking care of these matters can help clear up a person’s driving record.

Check with previous employers to see what is on the personnel record at those locations. This can help prepare for any potential negative references a past supervisor may give. It is also a great way to verify the exact dates of employment for the application or resume.

Home Depot is a leading employer in the home improvement retail field. Knowing what it looks for in a background check, how to prepare for one and what to expect helps candidates land jobs. This free complete guide outlines what applicants need to know about a Home Depot background check.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Home Depot’s Background Check Include Credit History?

Credit history is only completed for managerial or executive level positions due to their heightened responsibilities.

Can I Work For Home Depot If I Have An Active Domestic Violence Protective Order Against Me?

Since a domestic violence protective order is a civil action, it is unlikely it will appear on a criminal history check; however, there is a possibility it will be revealed in a deeper screening.

Home Depot has a zero tolerance policy for violence in the workplace, so a domestic violence order may be grounds to deny employment (especially if the other party works for that particular location). Does a restraining order go on your record?

Typically, they do not show up on basic record checks, but there is the potential for them to appear on fingerprint based screenings.

Does Home Depot Conduct Background Checks?

Home Depot does require job candidates undergo a background check which is conducted by a third-party provider contracted by the company.

Does Home Depot Include a Drug Test in Their Background Check?

Home Depot does drug test employment candidates either after the interview or during orientation and training (especially for positions that require use of a vehicle or equipment such as a forklift).

Drug testing is done via a mouth swab or by collecting a urine sample. Drug testing may also be conducted if a person has been hired and is injured on the job or the company suspects substance abuse on the job.

What Does Home Depot Check For in a Background Screening?

Home Depot primarily looks at criminal history when doing a background check, specifically violent offenses that can pose a threat to other employees or customers or criminal history that may indicate a risk of loss from theft.

Home Depot also looks for employment verification in background checks. Jobs with higher levels of responsibility may include a credit history and education verification as well.

Does Home Depot Do a Background Check on Contractors Affiliated With the Company?

Yes, Home Depot does require a background check on all independent contractors that provide professional installation services through Home Depot’s affiliate program. The background check looks at licensure as well as criminal history to make sure the contractor is legally able to operate in the area and does not pose a safety threat to customers.


Everything you need to know about the Home Depot background check. (n.d.). Jobcase. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://www.jobcase.com/articles/home-depot-background-check#can-you-do-your-own-background-check>

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Gomez, R. (2022, February 27). Does Home Depot do Background Check in 2022? [Updated]. Felons. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://felonyfriendlyjobs.org/home-depot-background-check/>

What is Home Depot’s Drug Test Policy? – AisleofShame.com. (2022, July 23). aldi finds. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://www.aisleofshame.com/what-is-home-depots-drug-test-policy/>

Cano, J. (2012, June 26). 7 Factors Delaying Background Screening Times | 2012-06-26. Security Magazine. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/83240-7-factors-delaying-background-screening-times>

Egli, A. (2021, July 15). Top 5 reasons criminal background screening reports are delayed. Reference Services. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://www.referenceservices.com/blog/top-5-reasons-criminal-background-screening-reports-are-delayed/>

Home. (n.d.). Indeed Home Depot Background Check. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://www.indeed.com/cmp/The-Home-Depot/faq/if-you-failed-your-drug-test-at-home-depot-would-they-still-be-doing-a-background-check?quid=1e1rs0vnkhc27800>

10 Ensuring People with Convictions Have a Fair Chance to Work. (n.d.). National Employment Law Project. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://www.nelp.org/campaign/ensuring-fair-chance-to-work/>

11 Griffiths, G. (2020, September 23). 7 Tips for Ensuring You Pass Employment Background Checks. Firsthand. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from <https://firsthand.co/blogs/job-search/how-to-ensure-you-pass-employment-background-checks>

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