Public Records

Public records are official records made available by different government departments and are also open to be searched in different public databases. They allow anyone, anywhere to search vital information including addresses, home ownership, names, date of birth, and much more.

On the left, a man in a black suit and tie stands with his hands on his hips, while on the right, a blonde woman in formal attire wonders how to discover someone's employment history, holding a magnifying glass and pointing it at a monitor displaying a person's past employers and experience.
How To Find Someone’s Employment History Free (See All Jobs)

Figuring out how to discover someone's employment history can help emp...

A portrait of Background Check Records founder, Jayson Baxter.
Jayson Baxter
March 14, 2023
A woman dressed in black business attire with a blue undershirt holds a magnifying glass while figuring out how to locate someone's workplace, observing a computer monitor displaying public records, while to her left, a man wearing an orange vest enters a warehouse, presumably his workplace.
How To Find Out Where Someone Works Free for Any Reason

Learn how to determine where someone works by conducting a search imme...

A portrait of Background Check Records founder, Jayson Baxter.
Jayson Baxter
February 28, 2023
A child in a yellow shirt and blue shorts stands beside his mother, who, with a question mark above her head, wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans, is pondering how to locate the workplace of someone for child support, staring at a grocery store employee in a yellow vest whom she suspects might be the non-custodial parent.
How To Find Out Where Someone Works for Child Support Legally

Those wondering how to discover where someone works for child support ...

A portrait of Background Check Records founder, Jayson Baxter.
Jayson Baxter
October 25, 2022
A man in a red shirt, yellow tie, and blue pants, with a question mark above his head, is pointing a magnifying glass at a silhouette of a person walking into a house in the distance, curious about who lives there.
Who Lives Here: Find Who Lives at Any Address (Free Lookup Method)

Knowing who lives in a place is commonly asked when a new neighbor mov...

A portrait of Background Check Records founder, Jayson Baxter.
Jayson Baxter
August 5, 2022
On the right, a man in a yellow shirt and blue jeans reads notes on a brown clipboard to uncover someone's middle name, while on the left, a man in a blue shirt and yellow tie examines a computer screen displaying search results for individuals named James Smith with different middle names.
How To Find Someone’s Middle Name: Lookup Trick Finds Full Name Fast

Knowing how to locate someone’s middle name online can prove useful ...

A portrait of Background Check Records founder, Jayson Baxter.
Jayson Baxter
August 5, 2022

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