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Who Lives Here: Find Who Lives at Any Address (Free Lookup Method)

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Knowing who lives in a place is commonly asked when a new neighbor moves in, a nice home is seen while driving around, there’s a concern such as an ambulance or police nearby, and plenty of other occasions.
No matter the case, these free lookup methods such as using the form below and checking local databases make it surprisingly easy to find who lives at any address in the country. All from the comfort of your own home.
Ways to Find Out Who Lives at an Address Using Free Public Records
There are several ways that can be used to divulge who lives at a certain place when stumbling upon a house that strikes an imagination or to satisfy curiosity to find out your neighbor’s name. If you discover their name, finding someone’s middle name is also easy.
This is because there are public records and official channels to obtain this information and informal ways to get this data but some third-party sites below can also reveal this information. Inquirers can also arrive at this information using several different search criteria to check who lives at an address.
The Best Way to Search Who Lives On Any Street (Real Property Records)
A real property record is a legal document ascertained by a government entity, i.e., a county, that has data on a property which may be either a residential building or parcel of land. In common jargon, these real property records are often referred to as deeds – they denote individuals’ legal ownership of property.
Deeds also serve as a legal instrument to transfer ownership from one individual to the other during a sale of the same, which is grantor to the grantee (who receives ownership).1 When a transfer is complete, it must be recorded through a filing by a recorder of deeds or the local county government records department where the property is located.
It is of critical importance that these records exist for various reasons, including:
- To allow individuals to perform a title search and thus establish the authenticity of the title
- To settle issues related to inheritance and wills
- Solving border disputes with adjacent pieces of property
- Legal buying and selling of property and
- Settling lien disputes etc.
As a case in point, the residential property located at 5308 Alpine Place, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107, can be used to illustrate an owner of address look-up. This property is located in Clark County, and a quick search on the county assessor’s page can reveal details about who lives there and thus find your neighbor’s name.
To arrive at the county assessor’s page, individuals will need to:
- Execute a Google search by combining the county name where the property is located—in this case, Clark County and the keywords “real property records”.
- This will return to the assessor’s page where they will proceed to click the search by “Address” link.
- At this point, they may input the address.
The county search feature can capture a number of details to perform an owner of the address lookup; these include:
- Parcel Number
- Owner Name
- Address
- Subdivision name and
- Parcel Type etc.
An inquirer, in this case, would execute a street address lookup, thus:
The search is successfully accomplished and returns the details about the home, including the full name of the owner of the house. It must be noted that the home may have a tenant residing in it. However, this information provides a starting point to check a neighbor’s details.
The search results page would often also return popular real estate websites such as Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, and Realtor. Still, the data won’t be enough to investigate and satisfy individuals who may be wondering ‘who lives in my neighborhood,’ primarily if the unit is being leased.
Use The County Appraisal District to Perform a Reverse Address Lookup
County appraisal districts have the task of determining the monetary values of property, i.e., through appraisals for taxing purposes in the district. The appraisal district is a political subdivision of the state and is managed by a board of directors.2
This tax is known as Ad Valorem Tax and is based on the value of the property – the term is a Latin phrase for “according to value.”3
County appraisal districts would therefore provide an excellent platform for a reverse address lookup to find out who their neighbors are. A reverse look-up will aid the inquirer to investigate the property’s current or previous inhabitants.
The method will utilize the address as the search criteria, and since this is an obviously visible piece of information; it makes the task relatively easy.
To arrive at the county appraisal district page, individuals will need to:
- Execute a Google search by combining the county name where the property is located—in this case, Denton County and the keywords “appraisal district real property records”.
- This will return to the county appraisal district page where they will proceed to click the search by “Property Search” link.
- At this point, they may input the address.
For illustrative purposes (screenshot below), the address 812 Boxwood Drive, Lewisville, Texas, 75067, is used. This property is located in the Denton CAD (Central Appraisal District). The property search tool will display both current and previous homeowners of this property i.e address history. Denton CAD also has a ‘who lives there map’ search feature currently under construction; this tool can also be found in other districts.
Find Out Who Lives There or Anywhere by Checking Property Records Through the County Tax Assessor
Property records through the county tax assessor are a record of ownership for properties within the jurisdiction of that particular county or city. Several counties will have an online resource to allow the public access to these records, which include homeowner names.
There are some counties where an enquirer must visit in person— this is due to information such as names of homeowners not being permitted to be published to the public unless by written consent.
Properties in the county will have an APN—Assessor’s Parcel Number, a number assigned to properties within the county for identification and maintenance in the database. This number is formatted uniquely, denoting the type of property within the jurisdiction. County tax assessors are vital to governments as they ensure that properties are well accounted for and taxed accordingly—this is usually one of the biggest revenues for counties.
To arrive at the county appraisal district page, individuals will need to:
- Execute a Google search by combining the county name where the property is located—in this case, Denton County and the keywords “real property records”.
- This will return to the Denton County tax assessors page where they will proceed to click the “Search By” drop-down menu and select “Property Address”.
- At this point, they may input the address.
For illustrative purposes, 312 Springtree St, Denton, TX 76209 can be used to find out who lives there. The online search tool has several inputs, i.e., property address, mailing address, owner ID, etc.
A street address lookup on this property will output several details on the property, such as the owner name(s), dimensions of the home as well as tax information, etc.
Search Personal Property Records to Discover Who Lives in Your Trailer Park or in a Manufactured Home
Mobile homes are also known as trailer homes, trailers, or house trailers – they are prefabricated on a permanent chassis and transported to a site to serve as permanent homes or temporary accommodation. There is a fine line between classifying them as personal or real property – many times dependent if the homeowner also owns the land they sit on. If the owner doesn’t own the land, the mobile home becomes personal property and vice versa.4
Personal property that is not defined or taxed as real estate or real property is considered personal property– these taxable personal properties include manufactured (mobile) homes, aircraft, and property used to conduct business.5
Individuals looking to search resident names by address may use the assessor’s website to obtain the relevant information. 867 N. Lamb Blvd., #1 Las Vegas, NV 89110, located in Clark County can be used as an example to execute an owner of address lookup for a mobile home.
To arrive at the county appraisal district page, individuals will need to:
- Execute a Google search by combining the county name where the property is located—in this case, Clark County and the keyword “personal property”.
- This will return the Clark County tax assessors’ personal property page where they will proceed to click the Manufactured Homes link.
- They should then proceed to click on the Address link.
- At this point, they may input the address.

Free Address Lookup by Name
In some instances, the name of the owner of the real property may be known i.e., a family member or friend, but the address is unknown. It may also be that a concerned citizen has obtained the name of a sex offender who has moved into the community and would like to locate the exact address of the individual. The government channels mentioned above all have features to search by name acting as address finders.
As an example, the address finder for a property in Las Vegas will be used using the owner’s name as a search criterion. The names will be redacted.
Some counties may not have convenient ways of obtaining this information online, as individuals may need to visit the county assessor’s office to perform an owner of the address lookup. Oftentimes, this is a tedious process of having to physically scour through leather-bound volumes to locate the deed to complete an address lookup. This can be a very time-consuming process.
Fortunately, a number of third-party websites offer these services and like official government channels, can capture information such as the owner’s name, address, parcel number, etc. These sites may or may not charge a service fee but are very convenient in saving the enquirer time. They will often produce accurate services, especially if they are paid services.
Check to See if the Address is On the Sex Offender Map
The location of sex offenders is of utmost importance to many neighborhoods and communities throughout the country. Whether they are apartments or family homes, families must confirm if an address on their street is on the sex offender map.
The Pam Lechner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act established in 1996 mandated that the attorney general establish a database that would track the whereabouts of sex offenders within the union.6 This database contains information on the offender, such as the current registered address, residence, conviction, etc. As of 2020, there are 917,771 sex offenders in the U.S. who are all supposed to register which means there should be over 900,000 addresses that are contained in this database since there are non-compliant offenders who don’t register.7
The United States Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website can be used to locate and see if an address is on the sex offender map. An advanced search feature allows the user to search by the name of all states, territories, and Indian countries.
A case example will be a property located at 2221 NE 121st Vancouver, WA 98686. A search to locate sex offenders within a 3-mile radius of this address will yield 38 records from 22 jurisdictions. The results also show mugshots of the offenders as well as their residential addresses.
In addition to this resource, states maintain databases for offenders due to financial incentives to do the same through The Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexual Violent Offender Registration Program Act enacted in 1997.8
The MD Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services maintains a sex offender registry that can be used to check to see if an address is on the sex offender map.
Many times, an offender may be leasing a property. Rental agreements are not often public records. However, there are some instances when a lease agreement may be recorded and submitted at a local registry of deeds.9 Inquirers can, in this case, search these records to determine an address of an offender in their area, particularly if they have the full names at their disposal.
Best Reverse Address Lookup Websites Sites To Find Someone in Your Neighborhood (Free)
Other than official channels, a number of third-party websites are used to complete a reverse address lookup to find out who neighbors are. These websites often obtain information about individuals from corporations that sell information about their clients.
These include the United States Postal Service (USPS), cell phone companies, cable companies, etc. These websites may also aggregate this data from web scraping—an automated method of collecting information from websites, including public records.
These websites make it very convenient to search for information online and often incur no cost to the user. Oftentimes, however, the data combed from these websites may be inaccurate or not up to date. Searching these resources saves time since the inquirer does not go through multiple sources and records; these sites provide one platform delivering comprehensive details.
Some sites also charge for this service; this premium service will often return very detailed relevant information. It should be noted that even with the free sites, the user will need to pay a premium to get more information. These sites can often be used to perform a search address history as they typically display the address history of the subject of the search.
1 Team, W. D. (2020, June). Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 2022, from Cornell Law School: <https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/deed>
2 Texas, C. (2022). Comptroller.texas.gov. Retrieved 2022, from Comptroller.texas.gov: <https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/board-of-directors/index.php>
3 KAGAN, J. (2022, April 5). Ad Valorem Tax. Retrieved 2022, from Investopedia.com: <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/advaloremtax.asp>
4 Revenue, W. D. (2021, July). Property Tax Assessment of Mobile and Manufactured Homes. Retrieved 2022, from dor.wa.gov: <https://dor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/MobileHomesFAQ.pdf?uid=6247898870b81>
5 Legislature, N. (n.d.). Property Tax. Retrieved 2022, from Nevada Legislature: <https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-361.html>
6 Congress, U. (1996, October 3). Public Law 104 – 236 – Pam Lechner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act of 1996. Retrieved 2022, from Govinfo: <https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/PLAW-104publ236>
7 Legislature, Montana. (2019). Sex offenders per Capita. Retrieved 2022, from Montana State Legislature: <https://leg.mt.gov/content/Committees/Interim/2019-2020/Law-and-Justice/Meetings/Nov-2019/sj19-doj-map-sex-offenders-per-capita-november-2019.pdf>
8 Congress, U. (1997). U.S. Government Publishing Office. Retrieved 2022, from Govinfo: <https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRPT-105hrpt256/html/CRPT-105hrpt256.htm>
9 Good, L. f. (2021). What does it mean to “record a lease,” and why should the parties to a farm lease do it? Retrieved 2022, from Land for Good: <https://landforgood.org/resources/faqs/mean-record-lease-parties/#:~:text=Recording%20a%20lease%20means%20that,subsequent%20claims%20to%20the%20property>